
I was late for work, again! Woke up on time started getting ready, everything was going great until it wasn't. I forgot that I was supposed to get up so early for a reason, because my uniform was in the washer, my makeshift "boot blousers" snapped, the dogs were under my feet everywhere I walked, and my computer bag spilled out everywhere - and that was enough for the meltdown. As I sat in my closet crying because I was so angry that I was so flustered over things that weren't even THAT horrific; the cycle of self damaging thoughts blasted through my head. I had finally had enough.

That evening, I'm not gonna lie, I found my answers on social media, and dove into a wormhole; hyperfocused on finding a "solution". For the record no such thing exists. As I researched every avenue possible, I gave into suggestion and took the ASPIE, RAADS-R, and AQ quizzes - following them up with an appointment with a professional. After 34 years I finally got the answer to the questions I have been asking myself my entire life. "Why? Why can't I just... *insert one of an endless list of tasks*? Why can't I just .... like everyone else seems to be able to?"

ADHD had controlled much of my life. What am I saying? Time blindness is why I'm currently on hour 26 of awakeness! ADHD has a good hold on my life, but deep down I knew there was something a little more than that. I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Anxiety, Depression, and of course combined type Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). My life hasn't been the same since, quite frankly, I wouldn't want to go back. As you can imagine, this information came to me without surprise, but still with bewilderment. What now?

Up until this point in my life, I had managed to hold my career in the Army National Guard for almost 12 years, the last 2+ years full time. While I had quite a bit of success, it did not come without struggle. However that chapter of my life is nearing its end and I was searching for new opportunities that would allow me to be who I really am, without the mask. I needed be home with my children more, yet still provide for my family. I also wanted to be able to give back. I wanted to be able to create. I wanted to be able to share what I did with a community - that until recently I didn't know was out there - people just like me.

Hi! I'm Jessikah, a 34 year old mother, Veteran, and entrepreneur. I'm so excited to share my journey with all of you! So after much angst, hesitation and uncertainty, but the loving support of those closest to me, I give you

A.D.D. Some Divergence